This might be altogether reckless. But I say that as though it's stopped me before. It rarely ever has - so hear me out:
Our culture conditions us to expect a perfect romantic partner for ourselves. And with that kind of lofty anticipation hanging over our heads, it's easy to forget that finding "the one" isn't so much a matter of finding someone who is perfect, as it is a matter of finding someone who's flaws you can grow to love.
Given how much attachment terrifies me, my subconscious will find enough reasons for me to wiggle my way out of commitment while the deal is still on the table. And it usually does so by amplifying the guy's flaws.
Reflect on some of your male K-pop biases. They're ideal, but for what reasons?
Infatuation over their genetically superior faces or voices that bring to mind a million singing angels can only last for so long. Rather, it's the baggage they carry that makes them that much more interesting.
And by baggage, I don't mean this type:
So here's to the flaws, to the imperfection of K-pop's finest men. Here's to my K-pop guy crushes and their nuanced eccentricities. And not just the quirks I tolerate, but the quirks I've grown to love.
(If that were ever the case, the chances of my suffocating against his pecs would have a less than a 1% failure rate. How embarrassing would it be for people to recognize you as the girl who died pressed against unnaturally large moobs...? Awful).
In an environment where male idols fling off their shirts more frequently than girls go through meals when they're on their
In the meantime, here's just about as close we'll get to in seeing T.O.P sleeveless utilizing Google images:
Apparently, Zelo finds his chin to be a complex in his appearance, which would explain how often he frequents his signature face masks. Granted, his chin does seem to be a bit rounded against his angular cheekbones, but truthfully, that's hardly a complex. I must admit I experienced quite a delay jumping onto the B.A.P bandwagon. But once I did, game over. Zelo immediately caught my eye, tall stature, pale complexion and all. If his good looks piqued my interest, his stage presence completely sold me. Aside from his playful mannerisms, there's nothing about him as a performer that suggests he's the youngest member of B.A.P - at least not with that kind of maturity.
It's no secret that B2ST's Kikwang isn't the tallest idol to grace the K-pop stratosphere. Kikwang, who's been given nicknames such as "midget" and "kid" stated on a broadcast of MBC's 'Weekly Idol' that "Portal site profiles say I'm 170.8 cm (5'7"). In reality, I'm sure I'm taller than 170 cm. I'm actually still growing right now."
Whatever - if my baby says he's still growing, then he's still growing. Kikwang's miniature size never bothered me because height is the last thing we consider when he performs. Because he carries himself with such alluring charisma, we're never underwhelmed. His unparalleled confidence and the way he genuinely seems to enjoy and thrive on stage help me to look past his smaller stature. Give him to me. I'll take him - all 5'7" of him.
When I first saw L's face, I thought to myself, "Omg... my ovaries." Then when I finally composed myself, it was something more along the lines of, "Bravo, Mr. and Mrs. Kim. It seems all the stars aligned when your son's X and Y chromosomes came together."
But then... when I realized that L's alter ego, Kim Myungsoo, is something of a closet dork, that's when I knew, "Yes, I can spend the rest of my life with this guy." With his sharp features and
This might sound bratty and grossly characteristic of first world problems, but Luhan's only flaw - at least the only one I could find - is the way he looks. There's nothing about those wide Bambi eyes and plump lips that suggest he's 23-years-old. Rather, his small face and soft features give off the impression that he's a five-year-old kid whom you just want to protect from all the vices of the world (though his midriff would hint otherwise). Luhan, whose name appropriately translates to "morning deer" in Chinese, is known not only for his infallibly cute looks, but for his sweet personality. He's also one of those rare cases where raw talent actually measures up to jaw-dropping aesthetics. Luhan's a considerable force to be reckoned with,
When I first caught wind of Onew's condition, I knew, deep down in the icy hollows of my heart, that I had found a kindred spirit. Basically, the Onew Condition is an intuitive lack of social finesse that renders everyday activities completely hazardous. If we look at Onew's case, we can already see some of the earlier symptoms: obsessing over chicken, taking falls while walking on flat surfaces, and freezing up the merriest atmospheres with truly lame jokes. One might assume that people can't handle such high doses of awkward in their blood streams - Onew begs to differ.
Sure, his social ineptness is an imperfection, but can we imagine him any other way? God forbid he act normally from here on out - that would very much throw the entire K-pop universe off its axis. It's a flaw I've grown to love not simply because it's uncannily reminiscent of my own social shortcomings, but because it's baggage that I've decided looks well on him.
Surely, because we have preferences of our own, which flaws do you find to be most lovable in your male biases?
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