SM Boy Groups Turn Wild? From Zombies to Werewolves
SM Boy Groups Turn Wild? From Zombies to Werewolves
In April, SHINee came back with "Why So Serious?" as blood-thirsting zombies. This time, EXOreturned as werewolves in their comeback song, "Wolf and Beauty." From lyrics to performance, the two boy groups from SM Entertainment certainly stood out from the crowed. After all, no others would dare to become zombies or werewolves, would they?
"Wolf and Beauty" features a series of howling sounds effects and begins with strong words that go, "I will put you in my mouth in one bit like a slice of cheese. I will smell you, enjoy your colors and take you in like glass of fine wine."
EXO's performance paints a pack of werewolves living in the wilderness and caves, and stages a musical-like choreography with all 12 of their members.
With both SHINee and EXO, the devious creatures often used in film as fantasy materials are turned into more human-like, relatable, lovable individuals. Because of the raw, brutal image portrayed in their outfits and choreography being that they are supposed to appear as wild animals, it plays well into the hands of boy groups whose main goal is to display masculinity.
An associate from SM Entertainment added, "We chose to go this route to continue our series of fantasy characters and be different from other teams."
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