Popular actor claimed his wife is expected to give birth next debut July 15
Over the last few days, many stories arose about the actress Diana Danielle, who is also the wife of Farid Kamil. According to a newspaper gossip columns (not the NSTP), Diana said to have been safely given birth debut in Sydney, Australia, the end of May.
Yesterday, the speculation is getting warm when actor and director's talented acting to upload pictures to a boy on his social networking site.
Together we pray. I even still be in Malaysia again, continue my work, "Farid Kamil.
No statement of Diana, mother
However, Diana, mother, Norsiah Ramli, and Farid himself did not give any statement on the publication of the photograph or the validity of the so-called stars ... In the bottle already safe delivery.
HIP learned that the actress' mother did not know her description it says has already delivered a first child.
Only, according to the strong MIG, David Teo, baby seen in pictures with Farid was not her baby. HIP later learned that the baby nephew was born May 11 Farid ago. Aidid Abdyllah baby named Anis is the eye brother Farid, Dr. Anis Anwar Zahari. Yesterday, through social sites keek MIG Online, Farid himself come forward to make a little clarification on the speculation itself was becoming a father.
Not to be father
Through the recording of about a half hour in the page loaded noon yesterday, Farid told his wife still live in the maturity of the kangaroo's pregnancy.
In fact, according Farid seen with bandaged hands from injuries suffered during a motorcycle ride mini recently said Diana unborn child is scheduled born on 15 July.
"Together we pray. I even still be in Malaysia again, continue my work, "he said, also thanking the pray for their families.
With Fred's explanation, it is self-denying wife's story has already spawned their first points of light.
This famous pair got married in early November last year in Kuala Lumpur. They became engaged in early September of the same year.
At first, the wedding of two actors are said to be planned a year after they got engaged. However, the contract was held earlier this mate, Nov. 3.
Info: Fred, Diana
* Fred and Diana said to close in 2009. In June that year, Diana admits love with Fred, on his return from attending the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for three months since the March
* After about three years interweaving of love, Fred and Diana finally decided to get engaged on September 2, 2012.
* Initially, the couple will be united as husband and wife a year after engaged. But they arrived earlier match when Farid and Diana married in Ampang on 3 November.
* Diana then load up pictures pregnancy test equipment, announced the happy news of her pregnancy about 16 days after they married.
* In December 2012, Fred and Diana's honeymoon in Australia. Soon, rumors arose Diana denied boarding back to Malaysia after two week honeymoon in the country for the content exceeds the limit considered safe for pregnant mothers to catch a flight.
* Farid claimed he returned alone acting as a commitment to work and Diana also be there to have an interview to study a Bachelor of Arts and Design Fundamentals at the University of Sydney.
* Last weekend, there was gossip says Diana had already childbirth in a hospital near his home in Sydney.
berita harian
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